Tuesday, January 4, 2011


continuing my red film theme, next up is Pixillation (1970) by Lillian F. Schwartz.

{1970, 4mins, 35mm, colour, USA)

Pixillation is a groundbreaking animation film which took experimental/abstarct filmmaking in a new direction, Schwartz's film radically unites both past et future, analogue/film et digital/computer animation film techniques, the result is a truly breathtaking et chillingly sublime audiovisual experience. the film can also be seen as a unique amalgamation between art, science et technology, Schwartz cleverly blurs the boundaries between them and leaves the audioviewer wondering.

the film innovatively contrasts et juxtaposes 'primitive' organic forms et 'futuristic' computer based forms through a remarkable montage which intensifies rhythmically et sonically as the film progresses. we gradually become aware through certain repeated patterns/motifs, that the computer generated forms are starting to mimic et replicate the organic forms, they are learning from et assimilating them, until finally the organic forms are completely subsumed et replaced by the computer forms, akin to watching a deadly virus at work through a microscope.

Schwartz's incorporation of magnified microscopic footage of crystals growing, perfectly illustrates the merging or assimilation of the organic et geometric computer forms, she brilliantly strobe cuts the crystal footage into the montage, evoking a sense of transformation.

a black screen / consumed by / a vivid / explosion of / painterly / blood red / fluid forms / in constant flux / pulsing / menstrations / strobbing / geometric / computer forms / cell-like / abstractions / or / circuit board / diagrams / hard / jump-cuts / hypnotic / smearing / merging / growing / multiplying / assimilation/ erasure / ...

Schwartz's use of montage in Pixiallation is mindblowingly inventive, the intricate pacing et rhythms  she creates using brilliant juxtapositions between the organic et computer based imagery, build et intensify to a point where the audioviewer feels like they or the screen is going to explode!

Gershon Kingsley's intense moog synth soundtrack plays a huge role in the sensory impact et overall effectiveness of Pixillation.

repetitive / pounding / industrial beat / evoking / blood / circulating / pulsing / through veins / flapping / fluttering / slowly building / in volume / getting closer / building / to an intense / cacophony / pounding / pulsating / distorted / industrial beats / like / your ear drum / is going to burst / heightened with / dark / droning / moog synths / finally / piercingly / high-pitch / notes / scream-like / silence ... / eerie / clanging ...

Pixillation was a complete revelation to me {et still is}, it made me seek out Schwartz's other films {which did not disappoint}. this film is highly recommended for admirers/followers of Stan Brakhage et John Whitney, et al.

it is important to note here that Pixillation {et nearly all Schwartz's other films} is a collaboration with Ken Knowlton, who worked at Bell Labs with Schwartz. his technical/creative input in her films should be fully acknowledged, as well as numerous other scientists et technicians who contributed to the production of this remarkable film.

you can watch Pixillation here on Schwartz's youtube channel, along with most of her other films. enjoy!!!

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