Wednesday, October 19, 2011


trust me, you need to stop what you're doing for five minutes and watch this absolutely stunning video for Miracle Fortress's latest bonus single Possession, it is beautifully observed et directed by Montreal-based filmmaker Tim Kelly {who made the atmospheric video for Grimes' Crystal Ball.}

it is quite rare for a music video to be sincere, et for this reason Possession transcends the genre completely {which is not to say that it negates Van Pelt's incredible music, on the contrary it is a symbiotic relationship}. Kelly not only manages to naturally render an intimate et endearing portrait of a relationship from impromptu pickup, courting et finally parenthood, but he also captures life itself, et being in the world through a series of wonderfully fleeting et poignant moments. the opening montage perfectly sets up a sense of the young protagonists somewhat aimless et lonely existence. Kelly's refreshingly inspired use of a "lo-fi" domestic video format {not just to be retro and cool} transforms the story into a sublime home video diary of sorts! enjoy!!!

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